zondag, december 31, 2006

Bloggy contents

Hullo and welcome! This is the spot where PP and VA can show off their holiday photos this year.

Because blogs work the wrong way round (so to speak), this is a little contents page for your ease and delight. Or something like that.

  1. Introductie!

  2. Pre-holiday prayers and The Journey

  3. Buckfast Abbey, Holy Trinity Church and Combestone Tor

  4. Stanbrook Abbey, Part I

  5. Stanbrook Abbey, Part II

This post will be updated as the photos come up.

This blog is supposed to be in both English and Dutch, but that takes a lot of brain power, and I'm not big on brain power right at the moment. Sorry! Perhaps I'll get round to that later.

May God bless you in all you do.


ETA: I've been asked a couple of times if people can swipe these photos. My policy (for want of a better word) with regards to these is this: if you mention that I took them and hold whatever copyright exists and/or means on the internet these days, not you, I don't mind. Blogger doesn't allow hotlinking, so you should keep such a bit of blurb if you're so enamoured with them that you want to save them somewhere else.

Alternatively, just pass the link to the blog around. If I wanted to keep them private, I would have put them up on Flickr or something and been really stingy about who had access.

Love and prayers,